MotoAmerica has produced a special off-season documentary titled “Pack Your Bags”, which follows Mission King Of The Baggers road racer Frankie Garcia and some of his friends as they take a two-wheeled road trip on Indian Challengers through Southern California.

Meeting up at Cook’s Corner, Garcia and his band of bagger brothers journey to Julian to sample its famous apple pies before camping for the night in temperatures that were a little too cold for comfort. Rising early the next morning, the group travels to the Salton Sea en route to Joshua Tree National Park. Before hitting the desert, they pay a visit to Chuckwalla Valley Raceway. After laying down some fast laps at Chuckwalla, they head to Joshua Tree just in time to take in the sunset at iconic Skull Rock, and then treat themselves to a comfortable overnight stay with a roof over their heads.

Check out the entire documentary, and also be sure to watch Garcia compete in this year’s six-round, seven-race Mission King Of The Baggers Championship.

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